dijous, de setembre 20, 2007

Corny Dream

I'm in this dream where I'm in China, where I won the first price in my favorite Bike Foto Contest in Barcelona. And where all my friends keep moving, doing things and they remember me and write me :)

diumenge, de setembre 16, 2007

Chinese Girl

Last days in Tianjin we maybe saw 10 or more weddings and just married couples being photographed in parks. They with their big cameras and me with mine, the father of this girl showed us Tianjin around and afterwards he asked us to take some pictures of her so we shoot together and this is one of the examples we got.
It's common here to pay at Photography Shops for magazine-like portraits.
It was a weird situation that as I shooted suddently one of the wedding photographers came to me and stared at me and my camera very interested from only 10 cm away!

dilluns, de setembre 10, 2007

Hope Land

Trae suerte si lo pegas en tu puerta del revés. Una manzana trae paz si la llevas en el coche. Un pez trae fortuna, un cerdo felicidad. El país de los amuletos y de la esperanza.

dilluns, de setembre 03, 2007

Sometimes you need a toaster

By this time my pictures were still pretty green, see? Now blue invaded my life and my underwear. In some years I'll complete the rainbow cycle. Will you still be there?

Paris food
Gener 2007