dissabte, de juliol 19, 2008

Sindrome de Tetris

This is what I mean when I say Tetris Syndrome

dimecres, de juliol 16, 2008

divendres, de juliol 11, 2008

Candy Shops and how the world works

I passed by the candy shop that is runned by a chinese family. It is just beside the cinema, but this is not the kind of cinema where customers eat candy throughout the movie. So I don't know how this candy shop surivives. I thought candy shops best times was in the 90', before all kinds of sugar, fat and chemical additives turned as bad as terrorism. There are more than 3 chinese businesses less than 50 m away from my building.

They stay in their shops all day long. I never talk to them. I used to try speaking in chinese with all asian looking persons but after some communication failures, I stopped. They are mainly unfriendly with the fact that I could undertsand their code or intend to join their closed community. I feel both curious and pitty.That round mother and the tiny father both sit outside the candy shop. The kid keeps walking up and down the street and eats everything he wants from the shelves. Yes he is quite round as well and it feels like they hate us. How can I make them understand how the world works. First because they will not become rich with a candy shop in this street. And second because to keep a friendly life is one of the richest ways to live.

And, because I never bought there before, (I can't stand candy, I see it directly useless) I thought today I'd get into the shop with the only purpose of putting a smile on their faces. So I bought chocolates. And they stood there waiting for me to finish. And said 'thanks' after I gave them the money. And in 5 minutes I didn't deserve a single tiny smile. So maybe they should tell ME how the world works. Because I might think they failed loosing their time in the candy shop. But I failed already trying to make people come together. And believing it is possible.


Gas Station Worker

Beijing, December 2008
