dimecres, de maig 07, 2008

on trees


But really I'm fascinated by trees, and the randomness of nature. They preoccupy me because of the randomness of life"
, said David Hockney in an Interview after donating a big big painting to the Tate Modern. It would be really cool to be David Hockney . It would be even cooler to be a tree but I have to say it is also cool to be myself with this inner explosions of ideas and emotions -sometimes big, sometimes huge, sometimes microsize, sometimes really inconvenient for others beside me-.
Walking into Richmond Park on the 5th of may I heard a tree branch that broke and felt appart from this tree and I laught because I usually always laugh when things fall by accident. Like if life was teasing me with bad things that I find playful instead. I smiled to the kids, and spent the rest of the afternoon lying among tall green grass, away from the world.....