divendres, de juliol 23, 2010
How do you think peeing outside will change the world?
Imagine that you are in a music festival and, while peeing against a fence in your party mood, a whole film crew gathers around you to ask about your life with 4 cameras and a microphone!
Last month some of my friends and I made a whole film gear out of carboard and hunted people that were peeing on the fields of Roskilde Festival, to interview them about their pee life. The experience was pretty meaningful and there is a lot that you can't see in this video. Like ten people deciding on the spot how to distribute roles for a film crew and how to approach strangers the most comical way and then chasing for 2 hours the most interesting peers we could find. Or like the euphoria and the working together for a real great goal!
dijous, de juliol 15, 2010
When so much of the activity happens in one's mind it's hard to explain what one has been doing.
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